Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Friend in Just What Her Hubby Dreads

Dear Philip,
My husband can’t stand my friend Cathy.  It’s starting to become a real problem, because she’s going through a very tough time and has been coming over a lot.  Yes, she can be needy, and also sometimes dramatic, but I don’t understand why he can’t just try to feel some sympathy for her.
When Cathy went through a divorce a few years ago, he was very kind to her and helped her sort out her finances.  He didn’t complain then, and he knew I appreciated the help he gave her.  What I don’t understand is why she is suddenly bothering him so much.  He insists that she’s “crazy” and complains that we’re too involved in her life. 
How do I explain to him that he’s being unfair, and that she needs us?
Caught in the Middle

Dear Caught,
You explain that stuff the same way you explain anything to a husband: by speaking slowly and using small words.
(The preceding joke was written so that I could pretend to be on your side for, oh, at least a sentence.  Pretending now officially over.)
I’ll give you this, Caught: I believe that you believe that your friend Cathy isn’t a huge pain in the butt.  Further, I believe that you think you’re doing her some good by letting her come over a lot, where she can be dramatic and needy in your presence, and drive your husband…well, that same word he used to describe her.  I also believe that you are wrong on both counts.
Before we talk about that, though, allow me to speak briefly on behalf of all husbands: When we choose to be nice to a particular friend of yours, we do not automatically sign a document waiving our right to eventually find that friend annoying, or worse.  Further, we do not appreciate having our past kindness used as a cudgel to beat us into submission when and if we change our mind about that friend down the road.  It isn’t fair, and it might start to feel like good incentive to withhold our support from the next friend of yours that goes through a hard time.
That said, let’s move on to you and Cathy.  I want you to reread the letter you sent me, and notice a few word choices.  First, you yourself use the words “dramatic” and “needy” to describe your friend.  Both suggest a history: she’s used to asking a lot of you, and she overstates stuff…like her emotions and her situation.  Now that your husband has had to deal with her for a while – you mention her divorce and her current “tough time” – I suspect he sees her coming and thinks, “Oh no: what now?”  Try to see that his compassion for her has turned to dread.
Second, notice that you ended your letter with the plural: you didn’t write, “she needs me,” you wrote, “she needs us.”  In your head, your husband is as responsible for her as you feel you are.  He isn’t.  In fact, like all other adults, he’s allowed to choose who he’ll extend help to, who he’ll feel sympathy for, and who he’ll spend time with.  Clearly, Cathy isn’t on his list.  And considering how you yourself describe her, can you blame him, entirely?
I probably can’t convince you that your friend Cathy is likely using you, though I suspect you’ll come to that yourself, in time.  What I can do, instead, is to gently suggest that you respect your husband’s feelings.
Instead of trying to convince him of all the reasons you think he should put his dread and annoyance aside, tell your husband that you can see how he feels, and that you’ll conduct your relationship with Cathy on your own time.  Next time she asks to come by when your husband is home, tell her it isn’t convenient, and suggest a time when it will be.
Then don’t be surprised when – out of resentment that you’re not available to her 24/7 – Cathy finds someone else and stops parading her problems in front of you.  And your very relieved husband.
Yours in marital accord,